Friday, September 19, 2008


Today's my 27th birthday! Twenty-seven sounds old to me!! Twenty-six didn't phase me, you're still in your mid twenties, but twenty-seven - for some reason - sounds so much older (and closer to 30!) Anyways!!! As part of her birthday present to me - my mom came over last night after the kids were in bed and spent the night. She got up with Micah all through the night whenever he'd wake up not feeling good, and then she got up with all 3 of them this morning so I could sleep in on my birthday!! How nice is that?!!! It was a great way to start my birthday!! And if that weren't enough - she went home around 11:15 to start right on a term paper that's due for her class tomorrow morning, and then (if she gets her paper done in time) she's coming back for Aaron and I to go out tonight to celebrate my birthday with just the two of us!!! THANK YOU, MOM!! You always go so much above and beyond for us, and I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you!! :) I love you, mom!

Side note: Thanks to Jackson, I now know that September 19th is also International Talk Like A Pirate Day. Man what an honor for that to be on my bday! :)


Ryan said...


Happy birthday, matey!

Elizabeth said...

Happy Birthday! Yes, mom's are so great! Makes me wonder if there's some magical "mom power" you inherit when you become a parent! LOL, I bet if someone could discover it and market it, they would be a billionaire!

Unknown said...

You're welcome! Twenty-seven is not old--remember I turned 30 three weeks after Kyle was born--I'm just a VERY young grandma, right? Happy 27th!

Alli said...

Arr!!! Thanks for all the bday comments!! :) (And yes are a very young (and hip) grandma!!) Today was a great day!! :)

Aaron said...

Yeah..... 30 is so old!!!!

Alli said...

Yes, Aaron - you are old!! :) I'm really not sure how I stay married to such an old man! :)