Monday, July 28, 2008

Gotta Love Two of Everything!!

Ahh, having twins!! Most of the time at our house there are one of two scenarios going on: 1) Abby & Katelyn have exactly the same thing and are very happy campers....OR...2) they have any variety of: almost the same thing, different colors of the same thing, or just completely different things. I can tell you from personal experience that scenario #2 is almost never a good fact it almost always results in major drama - usually with one crying and screaming how it's just not fair that her sister has something so much better than her - all the while her sister (the one with the "good" thing) is smugly sitting there making disgustingly sweet faces at her screaming sister!!
Anyways...all that to say - the other day I had my camera out and was looking through the pictures on my memory card. Abby came up and got in my lap and wanted me to take a picture of her and I together. So she smiled like the beautiful princess she is, we took a very nice picture (top picture above), and that was that. About five minutes later Katelyn comes up and Abby smugly tells her "Katelyn - I just took a picture with mommy, and you didn't get to!!" (Can you guess the reaction?!) Katelyn immediately starts her crying, whining temper tantrum mode - accusing me of never ever ever taking pictures with her!! After the fit subsides and she's calm enough to actually hear the words coming out of my mouth - she finally hears me saying that I would absolutely love to take a picture with her - all she has to do is ask me nicely and stop whining. Immediately her fit stops, she grins and giggles loudly, climbs in my lap, and we took the picture you see on the bottom!!
KIDS!!! I wish my bad moods could be cured so quickly!! :-P

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